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Geneva J. Earns Two Letters of Recognition from the NNSA

Geneva J. Earns Two Letters of Recognition from the NNSA

Senior Security Analyst Geneva J. recently earned two letters of recognition from the Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Security (DNS.) The NNSA’s Associate Administrator and Chief for the Office of DNS Lewis “Lew” Monroe penned the letters recognizing Geneva’s important contributions to work performed for the Livermore Field Office in support of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

Geneva, who is part of MELE remote work team and operates within the NNSA’s NA-712 Nuclear Materials Control and Accountability (NMC&A) function, helped provide urgent LLNL team training and made strong contributions during the conduct and reconciliation of LLNL’s physical inventory.

With only a two-week advance notice, Geneva was part of a nine-person team from across the NNSA that provided urgent training to 45 LLNL employees. The training focused on operations, waste, safeguards, security, and safety. The training required focused exercises to demonstrate LLNL and MC&A issues that are critical to operations.

Associate Administrator and Chief for the Office of DNS Monroe stated, “They worked long days with some student pushback. They taught, presented, and led small group activities which proved to be invaluable to the students…who…expressed appreciation after attending the course. As a result, there were many changes to…processes and procedures, which will…reduce operational downtime.”

Geneva also played a significant role within a four-person team tasked with LLNL’s physical inventory reconciliation. There was a material balance area (MBA) critical to the mission that could not lose operational workdays and Geneva and this small team delivered technical assistance for the conduct and reconciliation of the lab’s physical inventory. The team’s work was critical to preventing a disruption of lab operations.

The ”…team worked long, hard hours under stressful conditions throughout the President’s Day holiday weekend to ensure LLNL’s success. The team executed the physical inventory according to procedure, completing the item inventory in one day and the physical inventory reconciliation in three days. They remained professional and positive throughout and took the time to teach both NA-LL and LLNL staff important MC&A concepts and processes,” stated Monroe.

“Geneva’s dedication, skill, and willingness to go the extra mile makes her an asset to the NNSA and our team here at MELE Associates,” stated MELE’s Senior Program Manager Wes Gould. “I’m happy to see Geneva receive this well-deserved recognition from the NNSA and I’m proud of the exceptional work that she and other MELE team members contribute to various areas across the DOE.”

“I feel very blessed to work with a team of NMC&A experts. Under the direction of our NNSA Functional Area Manager, we are a team that gets tasks done! I am proud to be part of this team and as well as a representative of MELE! “ stated Geneva.